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Dave’s Heavy Hittin’ MASS GAINING Nutrition Plan: Daily Blueprint

Posted by VPX Sports on Oct 12, 2014 10:01:00 AM


** I eat 4000-5000 calories per day before a big race adding fuel and gaining size, 3000-4000 calories per day on normal (non-race prep) days. I weigh 235lbs now. The following Meals & Snacks are spaced out 2-3 hours all day from waking to bedtime.

** To GAIN muscle MASS you need to at least be eating 10 calories per pound of desired body weight at the minimum so if you want to be 210lbs ripped, and that’s fair and logical for your bodytype and frame, then you need to eat at least 200x10 = 2100 calories daily spread out throughout all 7 meals/snacks below.

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Topics: diet, food tips, protein, nutrition, diet tips, muscle building, muscle

Take Control of Your Weight with Nutrient Timing

Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 29, 2013 9:07:00 AM

The best distribution of carbohydrate, protein, and fats to optimize performance, improve body composition and achieve a desirable target weight is up for debate. One important factor however is Nutrient Timing - how your body responds to the amount of calories you are feeding it throughout the day.

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Topics: fat burning, diet, nutrition, diet tips, muscle building

5 Must Have Foods on any Bodybuilders Grocery List

Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 15, 2013 8:46:00 AM

Want to have the physique of a bodybuilder or fitness competitor? Start eating like one and you will be on your way to the body of your dreams. Here is an insider’s look at five staple foods on a bodybuilder’s diet.

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Topics: health, diet, nutrition, diet tips, muscle building

4 Easy Ways to Cut Calories

Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 1, 2013 9:07:00 AM

Are you struggling to cut calories? Try these 4 tips to easily reduce your calorie intake!

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Topics: diet, nutrition, diet tips

Rid Stubborn Fat for Good – Evaluate Your Diet to Break Through Your Plateau!

Posted by VPX Sports on Jun 24, 2013 9:04:00 AM

One of the biggest problems in the fitness industry is people believing misinformation as truth. If you go up to any newbie in the gym, and ask him why he (or she) is doing whatever it is they are doing, it’s likely they will have absolutely no idea.

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Topics: health, diet, body fat, stubborn fat, nutrition, diet tips

Midnight Snacking Desires & Destruction!

Posted by VPX Sports on Jun 3, 2013 9:13:00 AM

We are all familiar with those sinful treats that stare us in the face when we are searching for a late night snack to satisfy our sweet tooth or get rid of a slight hunger craving.  Well, did you know that all of those calories you are consuming eventually add up to pounds of fat?  Sure, it might seem like a harmless small snack before bed, but over time those calories each night can be detrimental if you’re trying to lose weight.

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Topics: nutrition, diet tips

Melt Your Muffin Top & Burn Stubborn Fat!

Posted by VPX Sports on May 6, 2013 9:02:00 AM

Summer is almost here and you want to show off the hot body you’ve been working towards, but there is still one problem, you can’t seem to shake the stubborn fat stuck to your love handles! It seems like the fat is holding on for dear life! You have two options: give up hope and live in denial of your muffin top, OR do something about it and add components to keep the fat burning at a maximum! Fat burners really do work when you use them correctly and can be the missing piece to your fat loss puzzle.

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Topics: fat burning, diet, diet tips

Marc’s End of Phase 2 Results - Mental & Muscle Gains

Posted by Marc Siegel on Mar 11, 2013 9:04:00 AM

So, here we are at the end of Phase 2 and you’re all eagerly awaiting the results. As you know from my “End of Phase 1” blog, I was down 14 pounds and feeling good. My body had finally adjusted to having carbohydrates every third day, and I was a lot less cranky than I thought I would be with the lack of carbs.

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Topics: fat burning, health, diet, fitness diet, health and fitness, fitness training, protein, nutrition, diet tips, muscle building, muscle, VIVO 360

Mom Was Right Again... Eat Breakfast

Posted by Marc Siegel on Mar 4, 2013 9:07:00 AM

Mom always said “you must have breakfast; it is the most important meal of the day.” Well it looks like mom was right again. Below are three of the many studies showing the positive effects of having breakfast.

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Topics: health, diet, diet tips, myth or fact

Marc's Amazing Phase 1 Results!

Posted by Marc Siegel on Feb 11, 2013 9:07:00 AM

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Marc Siegel. I'm a certified personal trainer in New York with five fitness and training licenses and I currently write a weekly blog here. This week’s blog will be about my experience with Phase 1 of VIVO 360. I would like to preface this blog by saying that I have spent years working with Eric Hoult, the national director of VIVO 360, and share many similar views on dieting nutrition and training. I am sure that Eric can agree with me that while we have seen/put many people on various diet regimens ranging from the weekend warrior all the way up to people on a national competitive level, nothing has quite compared to the level of VIVO 360!

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Topics: fat burning, health, diet, fitness diet, health and fitness, fitness training, protein, nutrition, diet tips, muscle building, muscle, VIVO 360

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