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Melt Your Muffin Top & Burn Stubborn Fat!

Posted by VPX Sports on May 6, 2013 9:02:00 AM

Summer is almost here and you want to show off the hot body you’ve been working towards, but there is still one problem, you can’t seem to shake the stubborn fat stuck to your love handles! It seems like the fat is holding on for dear life! You have two options: give up hope and live in denial of your muffin top, OR do something about it and add components to keep the fat burning at a maximum! Fat burners really do work when you use them correctly and can be the missing piece to your fat loss puzzle.

no more muffin top!What a fat burner/energy supplement can do for you:

  • #1 Increased Energy Level

    To burn more calories than you were previously burning, you’ve got to increase the intensity of your cardio sessions and workouts.  The addition of Redline® Princess is a delicious, zero calorie, zero sugar energy drink designed to increase metabolism, energy levels, mood, focus and stamina, without causing that oh-so-terrible jittery feeling you may get when taking other energy beverages. If you fancy a carbonated energy drink you should give the new Bang® 357 a try! It is potent brain and body fuel that also has zero calories and zero sugars!

  • #2 Appetite Suppression

    The last thing you want to do is sabotage all of your hard work by eating too many calories.  In order to maintain your current weight you must consume exactly the amount of calories your body needs, no more – no less. To lose weight, you’ve got to burn more calories than you are consuming, or simply consume fewer calories than your body needs at rest (calories in vs. calories out) and vice versa to gain weight. So obviously, if you eat more calories than you are burning and than your body truly needs, you are going to gain weight; it is inevitable. On top of the things listed above, Redline Princess® also aids in decreasing appetite so you don’t end up eating extra calories you don’t need.

  • #3 Increased Metabolic Rate

    How many of you have heard the excuse, “I have a slow metabolism so I can’t lose weight”.  Instead of complaining that your metabolism is slower than your grandmother parking her car, stimulate your metabolic rate. Fat burners and stimulants (energy boosters) have the wonderful benefit of stimulating your metabolic rate, thus allowing you to burn more calories while exercising, doing housework, or simply sitting on your butt watching television. This is why some people tend to sweat more while using these products – which is a good thing.  Redline® Ultra Hardcore™ is much more than just an energy booster; it also has an amazing fat burning capacity. Taking the amount recommended on the product label is a recipe for success.  Not only do these capsules increase your metabolism, but they have the ability to tap into stored energy (body fat) to use as fuel while exercising. This means you are less likely to use carbohydrates and/or protein as fuel, and more likely to burn fat instead!

A combination of exercise and stimulant use is the best way to increase metabolism and fat loss. Although this duo is very powerful, stimulants should be thought of as an accompaniment to exercise, not a replacement.

In order to lose that unwanted fat, get your nutrition plan straight and become an active member in your local gym or regularly workout at home. Then, and only then, start implementing these supplements into use.

Now go forth and sweat so you can enjoy the summer sun while it lasts, without the muffin top!

Please consult your physician before staring any exercise or supplement regimen. The information presented in this article is in no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical treatment.

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Topics: fat burning, diet, diet tips

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