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How Healthy is Your Salad?

Posted by Liza Muravyeva MS RD LD/N on Jun 4, 2012 7:22:00 AM

It’s time for lunch and instead of ordering a burger and fries, you made the wise choice to order a salad. You are proud of yourself for steering away from junk food - ordering something good for the body; but just how “healthy” is your salad?

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Topics: health, diet, nutrition, diet tips

How to Build Muscle While You Sleep

Posted by Liza Muravyeva MS RD LD/N on Mar 27, 2012 12:27:00 PM

You completed your workout, drank your protein shake and ate dinner. A couple of hours later it’s time to go to sleep; but wait, you’re hungry again! What do you do? Reach for the first thing you can get your hands on in your pantry? Eating empty fillers, such as chips and cookies is like a nightmare for your body. This has happened to all of us and we are often left feeling too full with the wrong food before bedtime. On the other side of spectrum, some people choose to follow the 9pm rule (eating nothing after 9pm) and starve themselves, but how effective is this?

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Topics: protein, nutrition, diet tips

5 Foods you should Eat Everyday!

Posted by Liza Muravyeva MS RD LD/N on Mar 20, 2012 4:36:00 PM

There is a lot of information out there on the "latest and greatest" new diet products and herbs, but the truth is that the best way to lose that extra fat off your body is by exercising, eating a clean diet, and utilizing great supplements such as VPX’s Zero Carb protein powder. There are also certain foods that you should be consuming on a daily basis. Many of these foods are naturally high in antioxidants and anticancer properties, and best of all you can get them at your grocery store! If you eat crap like chips and candy, you will also feel and look like crap. If you eat foods that are good for you, you will be energized and feel good about yourself physically and mentally. So stop making excuses for every meal and just stick with it! These are the top 5 foods and spices you should be consuming every week to stay lean and healthy.

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Topics: fat burning, nutrition, diet tips


Posted by Liza Muravyeva MS RD LD/N on Feb 24, 2012 4:26:00 PM

Now that you have been going to the gym since the New Year, and have already been seeing awesome results, the next BIG thing to work on is your DIET! Where do you start? First, let’s be realistic. If you don’t have kids it may be easier for you to control what you buy and keep in the house. If you do have kids or 3 other roommates that don’t live your same lifestyle, it will be a little bit more work on your part to keep things clean. So, get into the right mindset of WHY you are changing your diet and how it’s going to benefit you immediately and in the long run. Here are 7 necessary steps YOU need to take to get on the right track!

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Topics: health, diet, diet tips

TOP 5 Reasons to stay IN for dinner!

Posted by Liza Muravyeva on Feb 17, 2012 11:22:00 AM

After a whole day’s work, it is very tempting to run by a fast food place or just decide to go out to eat somewhere, even though you know the best thing is to come home and cook. Going out to eat can get pricey, and you don’t always know what you’re getting. Here are the top 5 reasons why YOU should be cooking delicious home cooked meals, instead of the junk food drive-through!

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Topics: nutrition, diet tips

Stay in Shape on Valentine’s Day!

Posted by VPX Sports on Feb 14, 2012 1:06:00 PM

Instead of paying hundreds of dollars for a fancy dinner and overpriced wine, why not do something different this year for Valentine’s Day? Try going on a romantic walk, or even nice run somewhere outside and spend some real quality time with your loved one. Maybe even a workout session to energize your body from the inside out. Another idea is to make a nice and clean dinner for 2, so you know exactly what you are putting in your body! Add some strawberries and raspberries for dessert, to stay in the Valentine’s Day spirit!

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Topics: health, nutrition, diet tips

New Year, New Healthier YOU!

Posted by VPX Sports on Jan 5, 2012 3:05:00 PM

You've decided, it's final, this is the year you are getting into shape! Congrats! So where do you start? Before you get too excited and pay hundreds of dollars for a new gym membership and buy 10 different types of protein powder and bars, make yourself a plan.

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Topics: health, fitness tips, diet tips

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