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Marc's Amazing Phase 1 Results!

Posted by Marc Siegel on Feb 11, 2013 9:07:00 AM

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Marc Siegel. I'm a certified personal trainer in New York with five fitness and training licenses and I currently write a weekly blog here. This week’s blog will be about my experience with Phase 1 of VIVO 360. I would like to preface this blog by saying that I have spent years working with Eric Hoult, the national director of VIVO 360, vivo phase1and share many similar views on dieting nutrition and training. I am sure that Eric can agree with me that while we have seen/put many people on various diet regimens ranging from the weekend warrior all the way up to people on a national competitive level, nothing has quite compared to the level of VIVO 360!

Starting with the beginning of the program, I am a very big fan of tracking measurements. For many years now I have had all of my new clients do a full body fat caliper measuring, as well as tape measuring every 30 days for them to track progress. I cannot stress the importance of this in keeping the client focused and on track even as some clients to this date give me slight grief about it. In regards to VIVO, I think it's wonderful that the client is required to do measurements weekly as it will keep them focused on track and accountable.

Moving along to the eating portion of VIVO, I am very pleased with the abundance of choices available to the client. I feel the choices are easily accessible, common foods which the client can really get a handle on. While I have to admit I have had most of the above food for many years now, I have never truly had them in such precise measurements. I have used a food scale now for over half a decade, but I have never had a program that quantifies to me the amount of food I must consume on a PC, tablet, and on my iPhone. I would also like to add that since the app has been available on the iPhone, I rarely use the full desktop version. I love the fact that on the fly I can change my meals if I didn't have time to shop or prepare.

I started VIVO January 2nd with a goal of losing 20 pounds in the 84 days. I am pleased and amazed to report that I have lost 14 pounds in the first 30 days! I have lost millimeters on all four of my body fat sites, but to me the most impressive measurement would have to be the fact that I lost 2" off of my waist!

Try VIVO 360 for yourself today! Don’t be afraid to share your results or questions on the VIVO Facebook Page - I have!

I am looking forward to the next 30 days, and plan to write another blog once Phase Two is completed. Until then, please continue to check out my weekly blogs, and as always please leave comments and share with everyone you know.

UPDATE: Read Marc's End of Phase 2 Results - Mental & Muscle Gains.

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Topics: fat burning, health, diet, fitness diet, health and fitness, fitness training, protein, nutrition, diet tips, muscle building, muscle, VIVO 360

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