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Abs You Could Wash Your Clothes On!

Posted by VPX Sports on Jun 15, 2011 3:04:00 PM

The ideal image of health and fitness is, you guessed it, a chiseled set of 6-pack abs. More and more we are seeing everybody from your Average Joe to celebrities jumping on the abdominals bandwagon. In a land where plastic surgery is cooler than the other side of the pillow, working hard for your trim mid-section seems like too much to ask. Nobody wants to perform 5,000 crunches a day to achieve Ryan Reynolds’ peak physique. But who says achieving your own set of rock hard abs requires all that?

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Topics: training tips, abs

Five Tips to Keep You Lean and Trim Year-Round

Posted by VPX Sports on Jun 10, 2011 9:24:00 AM

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Topics: fitness diet, health and fitness, fitness training, nutrition

Want Boulders for Shoulders

Posted by VPX Sports on Jun 9, 2011 12:25:00 PM

Feel like your shoulders are lacking the full, round appearance desired?  Try this routine for 4-6 weeks to stimulate growth in your delts.

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Topics: muscle building, muscle

6 Must Have Foods at the top of any Bodybuilders Grocery List

Posted by VPX Sports on Jun 8, 2011 8:49:00 AM

Want to have the physique of a bodybuilder or fitness competitor? Start eating like one and you will be on your way to the body of your dreams. Here is an insider’s look at six staple foods on a bodybuilder’s diet.

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Topics: health, fitness diet, health and fitness, nutrition, muscle building, muscle

Burn that stubborn fat stuck to your love handles

Posted by VPX Sports on May 26, 2011 4:25:00 PM

Summer is here and you want to show off the hot body you’ve been working so hard to build but there is only one problem, you have yet to get rid of the stubborn fat that is stuck to your love handles and holding on for dear life. You can do one of two things: strip to your skivvies and hit the beaches anyway with your muffin top hanging over your suit, or you can add a few more ingredients into the mix and change things up a bit.  Fat burners really do work when you use them correctly and can be the missing piece to your fat loss puzzle.

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Topics: fitness training, nutrition


Posted by John Romano on May 10, 2011 4:14:00 PM

Ask anyone who has ever lifted a weight what question he has been asked most and they will invariably tell you that the question they are asked most is, “how much can you lift?”

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Topics: fitness training, muscle building

Consumption of dark chocolate may reduce blood pressure!

Posted by VPX Sports on May 10, 2011 4:00:00 PM

Chocolate is not just for your sweetheart anymore.  Researchers have found that consumption of dark chocolate, about 30 calories per day, may help reduce blood pressure without affecting body weight.

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Topics: health and fitness, nutrition

Take Control of Your Weight

Posted by VPX Sports on May 9, 2011 1:08:00 PM

A Discussion of Nutrient Timing and Fluid Intake
*Article 1

So many things in this world are constantly changing and evolving. Just over ten years ago people were dreaming of the future filled with brick-size cellular phones with antennas 8 inches long. Now you can search the web, download and listen to mp3 music, send and receive email, buy movie tickets, book a vacation, listen to a female (or male) voice direct you to your desired location (GPS) all on your cellular phone; and with the slick touch-screen, pushing buttons is a thing of the past.

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Topics: health, fitness training

Want a set of chiseled 6-pack abs?

Posted by VPX Sports on May 6, 2011 12:01:00 PM

The ideal image of health and fitness is you guessed it, a chiseled set of 6-pack abs. More and more we are seeing even celebrities jumping on the abdominals bandwagon. In a land where plastic surgery is cooler than the other side of the pillow, working hard for your trim mid-section seems like too much to ask. Nobody wants to perform 5,000 crunches a day to achieve wash board abs. But who says achieving your own set of rock hard abs requires all that?

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Topics: fitness training, nutrition

3 months on the VPX NO-Shotgun/Synthesize Stack

Posted by John Romano on Apr 26, 2011 2:13:00 PM

It has been three months since l began the NO-Shotgun/ Synthesize stack (NO-Shotgun pre workout, Synthesize immediately after). Wile I've been stetting PRs (personal records) continuously during this last three months, last week I set three PRs and this week l already broke one of them (it's only Tuesday). The only thing different about my diet/nutrition/supplementation during the last three months is the addition of the NO-Shotgun/Synthesize stack.

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Topics: vpx, fitness diet, health and fitness, muscle building, muscle

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