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Want Boulders for Shoulders

Posted by VPX Sports on Jun 9, 2011 12:25:00 PM

Build massive shouldersFeel like your shoulders are lacking the full, round appearance desired?  Try this routine for 4-6 weeks to stimulate growth in your delts.

The idea is to perform a tri-set for your shoulder workout. Obviously, a tri-set is achieved by performing an extended period of three exercises one after another before taking a rest.

Here is a good protocol:

Standing Side Lateral Raise 3x8-12, tempo 4/0/x
Low Cable Upright Row 3x8-12, tempo 4/0/x
Seated DB Press 3x8-12, tempo 4/0/x

Perform a set of each exercise in order with no rest in between. Once complete, take a two minute rest. Repeat until you have performed the tri-set three times.

You can add 3 sets of some kind of rear delt exercise (i.e. standing bent lateral, seated bent lateral, seated rear delt machine, etc) for 13-15 reps.

This is going to hurt, so be ready. The tempo is important. Each set should be performed with max weight and you should reach failure for each.

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Topics: muscle building, muscle

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