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10 Workout Excuses – Shut Up & Do It!

Posted by Liza Muravyeva MS RD LD/N on Jun 18, 2012 7:02:00 AM

Scared of being on a diet, starting a new workout regimen or just to try something new? We all have fears - but what are you waiting for? It’s time to overcome your fears and stop making excuses! The only things keeping you from having what you’ve always wanted are the excuses you make. This is true for diets, working out and life in general! To get in better shape, have tighter abs, lose fat, or build muscle you just need to stop talking and do it!

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Topics: health, health and fitness, fitness training, training tips, fitness tips

Ultimate Summer Guide to Training GLUTES!

Posted by Liza Muravyeva MS RD LD/N on Jun 11, 2012 7:20:00 AM

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Topics: health and fitness, fitness training, training tips, fitness tips

Do you want FREAKY LEGS?

Posted by VPX Sports on Jun 6, 2012 7:14:00 AM

If you are looking for an insane leg routine to put some real mass on your legs… keep reading! Prepare yourself because heavy weights, heavy volume and throwing up are all part of getting FREAKY LEGS! I am going to share a workout with you that I promise will put some massive size on your legs! That is, if your legs are strong enough to handle it!

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Topics: fitness training, fitness tips, muscle building, muscle

Increase Endurance with CARBONX®

Posted by VPX Sports on May 29, 2012 7:07:00 AM

Looking for the latest VPX pre-workout muscle building supplement? If you’re craving amazing pumps during your workout, Carbonx is the product for you. This product is the thermogenic super carb matrix that may increase the thermogenic effect of a meal by over 70%. Natural Pro and previous Mr. Florida Eric Hoult, recommends taking Carbonx to achieve that extra long lasting pump during your workout. “You get a superfast pump, even when you do your first set. As soon as it hits your system, you will feel an explosive fullness within the muscle you’re training”.  

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Topics: vpx, fitness training, training tips, nutrition, muscle building, muscle, recovery

Top 5 Rules to get FLAT ABS for Summer! BONUS Ab Workout

Posted by Liza Muravyeva MS RD LD/N on May 14, 2012 8:27:00 AM

Bikini season is right around the corner, and if you live in Florida it never went away. So how are you going to get your abs tight and toned just in time? There are certain things you need to focus on when training your abs - so here are the top 5 rules to get the six-pack of your dreams.

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Topics: fat burning, health and fitness, fitness training, training tips, fitness tips, abs

Ease Your Mind with Yoga in 5 Minutes

Posted by Liza Muravyeva MS RD LD/N on May 7, 2012 11:31:00 AM

Feeling stressed out lately? You probably already know that exercise is one of the best ways to reduce and get rid of stress; but what are some other ways you achieve mental stability? In today’s day and age, it’s pretty easy to get stressed out and overworked. Job stress, relationships, and kids are just some of the life’s everyday stressors. Throw in lack of sleep and junk food and you have a recipe for disaster. But before you spin out of control, why not take a deep breath?

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Topics: health, health and fitness, fitness training, training tips, fitness tips, motivation

Are you Sick and Tired of Cardio?

Posted by Liza Muravyeva MS RD LD/N on Mar 5, 2012 5:27:00 PM

Unless you are a runner or are training for a triathlon, running on a treadmill for an hour or climbing on a stair climber may seem like death sentence. We all know it’s necessary to do cardio, and can’t simply abandon it. Your gym may offer some great cardio classes, but what happens if you don’t get there on time or the only class they are offering is their jazzy step aerobics?

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Topics: fat burning, fitness training, training tips

HIIT Training - Burn Fat and Gain Muscle Simultaneously

Posted by VPX Sports on Jan 24, 2012 12:00:00 PM

Do you dread doing 60 minutes of cardio on the treadmill, stair-climber or bike? How many more boring cardio sessions can you do? If you are sick of your cardio routine and are not seeing the results you want anymore, it’s time for you start doing HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT is different than steady state cardio because you complete several short intervals of maximal intensity cardio lasting anywhere from 10 to 60 seconds and then recovering with moderate activity, rather than performing cardio at a moderate level for one hour. Therefore, you are actually training your cardiovascular system to recover from the high intensity and then bringing the intensity back up. You end up burning more calories in a shorter amount of time, because the actual workout is more intense. Most importantly, you do not have to spend 60 minutes running on a treadmill because your workout can be completed in a short 15-20 minutes. This leaves you with more time, and a more challenging workout for your body. What could be better?

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Topics: health and fitness, fitness training

Burn Fat on the Road

Posted by VPX Sports on Dec 1, 2011 4:53:00 PM

Do you find it hard to get a workout in because you are constantly travelling? It’s easy to let travelling get in the way of your health and fitness goals, but there are also plenty of ways to stay active and burn fat on the road. The old adage “if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail” rings true in this situation. Here are 5 simple, but effective tips to help you stay active and healthy on the road.

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Topics: fat burning, fitness training, training tips

The Top Five Reasons Why Women Should Lift Weights

Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 29, 2011 9:59:00 AM

Ever notice how the majority of women in the gym can be found where the cardiovascular equipment is? Are you one of those women, the ever so popular, “cardio bunny?” Don’t get me wrong, cardio does help to burn the fat off your butt; however, it is not the end all be all of training. In fact, it is only a small piece to the physique transformation puzzle. You can do all the cardio you want, but if you do not have any muscle mass underneath it, you will never see the tight midsection so many of us strive for.

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Topics: fat burning, health, fitness training

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