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Injured vs. Hurt

Posted by Team Xtreme on Sep 30, 2013 8:42:00 AM

Learning the difference.

*Disclaimer - I am not a medical professional nor claim to be. Everything in this article is from my own experience and does not constitute medical advice.

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Topics: fitness training, recovery, team xtreme, training injury, injury tips

So You Want To Run An Obstacle Race!!

Posted by Team Xtreme on Sep 23, 2013 9:07:00 AM

Some tips and advice for beginning obstacle racers.

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Topics: fitness training, training tips, fitness tips, team xtreme

Rehab a Lateral Ankle Sprain

Posted by Team Xtreme on Sep 16, 2013 9:01:00 AM

Almost all of us at one time in our life have had an ankle sprain.  In fact, according to American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 25,000 people sprain their ankle each day!  Although most ankle sprains are commonly self-diagnosed, if not treated properly, they can lead to repetitive ankle sprains causing further damage and chronic ankle instability.

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Topics: vpx, recovery, team xtreme, training injury, injury tips

Cinnamon & Nutmeg Spiced Plantain Slices Recipe (Paleo)

Posted by VPX Sports on Sep 9, 2013 8:57:00 AM

Nutritional Facts About Plantains

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Topics: nutrition, recipes

High Protein Banana Bread Recipe

Posted by VPX Sports on Aug 26, 2013 9:08:00 AM

MmMmMmMmmm how I LOVE BANANA BREAD!  I doubled this recipe and made 2 loaves; one with basic bananas, and the other I added walnuts and raisins.  Both are made with all natural, organic, almond flour so they are gluten free and Paleo friendly.  Additionaly, my high protein banana bread packs 15g of protein per slice! WOAH!  This recipe is incredibly easy and delicious.  Simple and sweet!  Great for breakfast, as a snack, pre-workout, post-workout, with dinner or as dessert!  You really can't go wrong :)  Enjoy my friends!

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Topics: protein, nutrition, recipes

Why Whey Protein Post-Workout?

Posted by VPX Sports on Aug 19, 2013 8:59:00 AM

The purpose of consuming whey protein post-workout is because it is immediately absorbed into the body as compared to egg proteins and/or caseins which absorb at a considerably slower rate. For this reason, those proteins are termed "slow release." They do not actually release slowly, but because they all absorb at a slightly different pace, your body is absorbing proteins for an extended period of time. When you consume whey protein you provide your body with a full shot of protein all at once because of the absorption rate. There is an important window of opportunity when repairing you muscles after a workout. You only have an hour to get the nutrients your body needs, therefore you would want to consume the fastest absorbing nutrients around, right? This small window for proper recovery and muscle building is also why you should consume carbohydrates in liquid form, because they are readily available for use.

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Topics: protein, muscle building, supplements, sports supplements

3 Tips for Starting a Social Exercise Plan

Posted by VPX Sports on Aug 12, 2013 8:59:00 AM

Why exercise alone?  It’s boring, lonely, and it’s much harder to stay motivated five to six days a week at the gym.  Music improves the situation, but it doesn’t replace the company you gain from a workout partner or group of people to interact with.

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Topics: health, diet, health and fitness, training tips, motivation

Think Before You Drink…

Posted by VPX Sports on Aug 5, 2013 9:02:00 AM

We all know post-exercise re-feeding is crucial to reap the benefits of training, particularly high-intensity exercise. In a recent study conducted by Lynch et al. (2012), VPX Protein Rush® was compared to an isocaloric “ade” (iCHO) on performance indices following high-intensity resistance training (HIRT..pun intended!).  The goal was to determine which macronutrient drink supported repeated performance. Fifteen healthy, 21-44 year old male subjects performed a 15-18 minute HIRT workout then immediately drank either VPX or iCHO. Following a two hour fast, the subjects performed an agility T-test, push-up test, 40-yard sprint, and reported rate of perceived exertion.  After a one-week washout the subjects repeated the protocol with the opposite treatment (they acted as their own controls). While controlling for caloric intake and energy expenditure, it was found that VPX produced a significantly (p < .01) larger interaction effect between the performance tests following glycogen depleting exercise compared to iCHO. The RPE effects were similar between the two drinks.

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Topics: vpx, protein, muscle building, recovery, supplements, sports supplements

Take Control of Your Weight with Nutrient Timing

Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 29, 2013 9:07:00 AM

The best distribution of carbohydrate, protein, and fats to optimize performance, improve body composition and achieve a desirable target weight is up for debate. One important factor however is Nutrient Timing - how your body responds to the amount of calories you are feeding it throughout the day.

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Topics: fat burning, diet, nutrition, diet tips, muscle building

Have Your Muscles Stopped Growing? Want to Know Why?

Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 22, 2013 9:07:00 AM

Are you one of those gym rats who spends endless hours in the gym day in and day out working hard to improve your physique but don’t see any difference in your body? You believe that the more work you do, the better off you will be. Believe it or not, you might be doing more harm to your body than good when training so much. As a result, you might not be seeing any of the results you want. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms listed below, you may be over-training.

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Topics: fitness training, muscle building, muscle, recovery

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