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Sugar versus Artificial Sweeteners: The Great Debate

Posted by VPX Sports on Aug 12, 2011 10:39:00 AM

There are so many aspects of nutrition that are controversial and remain so even between industry experts. How many times have you had a debate with another knowledgeable individual in regards to ANY related topic simply because your opinions stand in the way of what is actually true? And don’t say anything about “well this study says this, and that study says that,” because studies can be manipulated, results can be manipulated and people can be manipulated in to believing anything. If you are looking for a specific result, it is not uncommon for scientists and researchers to simply leave out data that does not coincide. It happens, life goes on.

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Topics: fat burning, health, nutrition

Supplementation for Athletic Excellence

Posted by VPX Sports on Aug 10, 2011 10:13:00 AM

Supplements Are NOT Just For the Meatheads!

Take for instance a professional tri-athlete. He is a professional, yet he has no experience whatsoever with supplemental nutrition. He has succeeded thus far on his natural abilities and talent yet for some reason cannot crack the top 50 professional tri-athletes in the world. What makes him any different from all the other professional tri-athletes? He is training just as hard and just as much as the rest, but why is he not breaking through his personal best? Could it be that making a small change in his diet could mean the difference between placing in the top 10 percentile or above 50?

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Topics: health, training tips, recovery

Improper Hydration Can Lead to Water Fatality!

Posted by VPX Sports on Aug 8, 2011 10:09:00 AM

Water intoxication, medically termed Hyponatremia, is more common than most people think.  And it can be especially dangerous under certain exercise conditions and can produce serious medical conditions. 

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Topics: health, training tips, recovery

The Top Five Reasons Why Women Should Lift Weights

Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 29, 2011 9:59:00 AM

Ever notice how the majority of women in the gym can be found where the cardiovascular equipment is? Are you one of those women, the ever so popular, “cardio bunny?” Don’t get me wrong, cardio does help to burn the fat off your butt; however, it is not the end all be all of training. In fact, it is only a small piece to the physique transformation puzzle. You can do all the cardio you want, but if you do not have any muscle mass underneath it, you will never see the tight midsection so many of us strive for.

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Topics: fat burning, health, fitness training

The Importance of Catching your Zzzz's

Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 25, 2011 9:58:00 AM

Phase V: Recovery Series

You've just mixed and drank your post-workout shake and are on your way home to prepare your next meal. You think to yourself, "I am way ahead of the game by jumping on this recovery bandwagon!" You've had your post-workout meal, you are about to eat your next meal full of protein and nutrients that your body needs, and you know you're making gains you've never quite been able to achieve. This would never be able to happen without an adequate amount of rest. That's right, sleep is the most important aspect of the recovery process, and is often overlooked. You can time your meals to the T, drink all the protein shakes you want, spend countless hours in the gym grinding it out and still never make any improvements without a full 8 hours of sleep each night.

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Topics: health, muscle building, recovery

The Cost of Obesity to your Health

Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 22, 2011 10:02:00 AM

A recent study by Wang et al, concluded that the Obesity rate in America has been increasing at an alarming rate of 0.2% to 0.8% annually over the past three decades. If this trend continues, by the year 2015, 75% of adults and almost 24% of American children and adolescents will be overweight or obese.
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Topics: health, diet, nutrition

Optimal Nutrition for Optimal Recovery

Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 18, 2011 10:20:00 AM

Phase IV: Recovery Series

Ok, so you’ve just spent 45 minutes pounding it out in the gym tearing up your muscles, gulped down an extra frothy, fast-acting protein and carbohydrate drink and are on the road to muscle recovery. Considering it is only 4 pm, you have the rest of the evening ahead of you and you definitely can’t let yourself starve. You need to consume at least two more meals before your head hits the pillow and you are well aware that those two meals should not consist of fast-food and soft drinks. The recovery process does not end at the post-workout meal!

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Topics: health, nutrition, recovery

Amino Acids for Muscle, Health, and the Mind

Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 15, 2011 10:09:00 AM

PERFORMANCE ESSENTIALS – Why Power Shock™ will shock your muscles into  major hypertrophy

The essential amino acids are those specific amino acids that you need to consume in your diet because your body doesn’t naturally make them.  If you slept through your college chemistry class, remember that amino acids are the building blocks of protein.  So for any given protein that you consume, whether it’s beef, chicken, eggs or beans, the amount of each specific amino acid differs.  Most plant sources of protein for example do NOT have enough of the essential amino acids (EAA’s): that’s why they are incomplete proteins, and that’s why most athletes are carnivores.  We love our meat because they are full of the EAA’s.  VPX’s Power Shock™ contains the entire compliment of EAA’s.  In fact, you’ll learn that Power Shock™ is great for the muscles, the brain and overall health.

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Topics: health, nutrition, muscle

Consume more Fiber in your Diet or get Colon Cancer and DIE!!!

Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 13, 2011 9:59:00 AM

It’s just the facts, 2 out of 3 Americans are not getting the recommended amount of 25-35g of fiber per day by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

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Topics: health, diet, nutrition

How to Avoid Giving in to those Sinful Cravings

Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 8, 2011 9:54:00 AM

TIP OF THE WEEK: How to Avoid Giving in to those Sinful Cravings

Revamp your kitchen - Fill your fridge and pantry with the healthiest foods and snacks; get rid of any foods that will keep you from reaching your fitness goals. Don't let your kids be the excuse to have these foods in the house. If they absolutely must have these foods, designate a cabinet just for them that is off limits to you.

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Topics: health, health and fitness, nutrition

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