Health related misfortunes are sometimes unavoidable – you can drink all the orange juice you want, but you may still catch a cold. Just because there are things in this life that you cannot control does not mean you should not take precautions to lessen your chances. “Buckle-up for safety,” right?
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1. Choose the Alternative – when buying foods and snacks, look for sugar-free, low-fat, non-fat, and any other words that pertain to being “better” for you. Just be sure to compare calorie content and serving size of the “healthier” option vs. the real thing. Sometimes fat content will go up in a product that has less sugar to compensate for the missing sugar so the consumer won’t miss out on flavor.
Topics: fat burning, health, nutrition
Summer’s here, and if your city is anything like South Florida, it is HOT! Are you tired of drinking tons of water to avoid dehydration in the hot summer sun? Try eating more fruits and vegetables – Watermelons and cucumbers consist almost entirely of water and will help keep you hydrated, not to mention they taste delicious and are a refreshing, healthy snack to incorporate into your outdoor barbeque fiesta.
Topics: health, health and fitness, nutrition
6 Must Have Foods at the top of any Bodybuilders Grocery List
Posted by VPX Sports on Jun 8, 2011 8:49:00 AM
Want to have the physique of a bodybuilder or fitness competitor? Start eating like one and you will be on your way to the body of your dreams. Here is an insider’s look at six staple foods on a bodybuilder’s diet.
Topics: health, fitness diet, health and fitness, nutrition, muscle building, muscle
A Discussion of Nutrient Timing and Fluid Intake
*Article 1
So many things in this world are constantly changing and evolving. Just over ten years ago people were dreaming of the future filled with brick-size cellular phones with antennas 8 inches long. Now you can search the web, download and listen to mp3 music, send and receive email, buy movie tickets, book a vacation, listen to a female (or male) voice direct you to your desired location (GPS) all on your cellular phone; and with the slick touch-screen, pushing buttons is a thing of the past.
Topics: health, fitness training