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Heavy Hittin' Bodybuilding Plan Week 17 | Total Body Heavy Takeover!

Posted by Team Xtreme on Jan 25, 2015 8:44:00 AM

Total Body Heavy Takeover!

Week 17 is going to be 3 different Total Body Heavy Weights Workouts (Dumbbells, Barbells, & Machines) designed to attack the whole body each workout! Your Goal is 3 Sets of 5-10 reps each exercise! You should be getting a tough burn at 5 reps and barely be able to make it to 10 reps. If 10 reps is easy then add heavier weights. If 5 reps are not at all possible then lighten the weights a bit. Goal is to shock the body into building more mass and kicking your own butt for this Week 17!

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Topics: muscle building, team xtreme, workouts

Heavy Hittin' Bodybuilding Plan Week 16 | Heavy Weight Mass & Horsepower

Posted by Team Xtreme on Jan 18, 2015 9:12:00 AM

Heavy Weight Mass & Horsepower!

Week 16 is going to be a Heavy Weights week designed to build mass, humongous strength, and explosive power! Your goal is 5 sets of 5-10 reps each exercise! You should be getting a tough burn at 5 reps and barely be able to make it to 10 reps. If 10 reps is easy then add heavier weights. If 5 reps are not at all possible then lighten the weights a bit. The goal is to build mass, increase strength, and maximize explosive power in Week 16!

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Topics: muscle building, team xtreme, workouts

Heavy Hittin' Bodybuilding Plan Week 15 | Medium Weights – Annihilation!

Posted by Team Xtreme on Jan 11, 2015 9:09:00 AM

Medium Weights – Annihilation!

Week 15 is going to be a Medium Weights week geared for Annihilation! Your goal is 4 Circuits of 10-15 reps each exercise! You should be getting a tough burn at 10 reps and barely be able to make it to 15 reps. If 15 reps is easy then add heavier weights. If 10 reps are not at all possible then lighten the weights a bit. Goal is to get the heart pumping and muscles bursting during Week 15!

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Topics: muscle building, team xtreme, workouts

Heavy Hittin' Bodybuilding Plan Week 14 | Heavy Weights – Muscle Breakdown!

Posted by Team Xtreme on Jan 4, 2015 9:24:00 AM

Heavy Weights – Muscle Breakdown!

Week 14 is going to be a heavy weights week geared for muscle breakdown! Your goal is 5 sets of 5-10 reps each exercise! You should be getting a tough burn at 5 reps and barely be able to make it to 10 reps. If 10 reps is easy then add heavier weights. If 5 reps are not at all possible then lighten the weight a bit. The goal this week is to breakdown/focus on different body parts each day!

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Topics: muscle building, team xtreme, workouts

Heavy Hittin' Bodybuilding Plan Week 13 | Lighten the Load!

Posted by Team Xtreme on Dec 28, 2014 8:53:00 AM

Light Weights – Lighten the Load!

Week 13 is going to be Light Weights to shock the system! Your goal is 3 circuits of 15-20 reps each exercise! You should be getting a tough burn at 15 reps and barely be able to make it to 20 reps. If 20 reps is easy then add heavier weights. If 15 reps are not at all possible then lighten the weight a bit. The plan this week is to shock the upper body then lower body followed by a day of rest finishing with upper & lower again!

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Topics: muscle building, team xtreme, workouts

Heavy Hittin' Bodybuilding Plan Week 12 | Raising The Bar!

Posted by Team Xtreme on Dec 21, 2014 9:25:00 AM

Week 12 is going to be Heavy Weights all Barbell training! Your Goal is 5 Sets of 5-10 reps each exercise! You should be getting a tough burn at 5 reps and barely be able to make it to 10 reps. If 10 reps is easy then add heavier weights. If 5 reps are not at all possible then lighten the weight a bit. Goal this week is to use Barbells to Blast the Total Body three times!

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Topics: muscle building, team xtreme, workouts

Heavy Hittin' Bodybuilding Plan Week 11 | Triple Giant Sets

Posted by Team Xtreme on Dec 14, 2014 8:52:00 AM

Medium Weights - Triple Giant Sets!

Week 11 is going to be Medium Weights for Triple Giant Sets training! Your goal is 3 Sets of 10-15 reps each exercise consecutively. You should be getting a tough burn at 10 reps and barely be able to make it to 15 reps. If 10 reps is easy then add heavier weights. If 15 reps are not at all possible then lighten the weight a bit. Goal this week is to demolish each body-part with 3 different consecutive exercises (Triple) for 3 sets of 10-15 reps (Medium Weights) multiple times!

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Topics: muscle building, team xtreme, workouts

Heavy Hittin' Bodybuilding Plan Week 10 | Unilateral Training!

Posted by Team Xtreme on Dec 7, 2014 9:13:00 AM

Heavy Weights Unilateral Training!

Week 10 is going to be Heavy Weights for Unilateral Training (one side working at a time while using the other hand or leg for support). Your goal is 4 Sets of 5-10 reps (Heavy Weights). You should be getting a tough burn at 5 reps and barely be able to make it to 10 reps. If 5 reps is easy then add heavier weights. If 10 reps are not possible then lighten the weight a bit. This Unilateral Training Week will recruit a bunch of your Core muscles as well as demolish the muscles you plan to exercise each workout!

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Topics: training tips, muscle building, muscle, workouts, weight lifting

Heavy Hittin' Bodybuilding Plan Week 9

Posted by Team Xtreme on Nov 30, 2014 8:51:00 AM

Medium-Lite Weight Dropsets!

This Week for Week 9 it’s going to be Medium-Lite Weight Dropsets (a set of medium weights for an exercise then immediately DROP to lite weights for that exercise). The Goal is 3 Sets of 10-15 reps (medium weights) then 15-20 reps (lite weights). You should be getting a tough burn at 10/15 reps and barely be able to make it to 15/20 reps. If 15/20 reps is easy then add heavier weights. If 10/15 reps are not possible then lighten the weight a bit.

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Topics: training tips, muscle building, muscle, workouts, weight lifting

Heavy Hittin' Bodybuilding Plan Week 8

Posted by Team Xtreme on Nov 23, 2014 10:07:00 AM

Pounding Heavy Weights with Supersets!

Week 8 is going to be a Heavy Weights Pounding with Supersets (hit one muscle group then the opposing without resting). Your goal is to complete 3 Sets of 5-10 reps (Heavy Weights) where you should be getting a tough burn at 5 reps and barely be able to make it to 10 reps. If 10 reps is easy then add heavier weights. If 5 reps are not possible then lighten the weight a bit. These Muscle Pounding Supersets workouts will Pound the whole body so again be respectful of your Rest, Recovery, & Maintenance days!

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Topics: training tips, muscle building, muscle, workouts, weight lifting

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