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Heavy Hittin' Bodybuilding Plan Week 12 | Raising The Bar!

Posted by Team Xtreme on Dec 21, 2014 9:25:00 AM


Week 12 is going to be Heavy Weights all Barbell training! Your Goal is 5 Sets of 5-10 reps each exercise! You should be getting a tough burn at 5 reps and barely be able to make it to 10 reps. If 10 reps is easy then add heavier weights. If 5 reps are not at all possible then lighten the weight a bit. Goal this week is to use Barbells to Blast the Total Body three times!

Week 12 - (Warm-up before each workout w/10 min walk, do 1 set of Bodyweight Squats & Bodyweight Pushups until burn then stretch the muscles you plan to hit (Total Body)!)
Each Workout – 5 Sets of Heavy Weights for 5-10 reps (rest up to 60 seconds in between Sets “if needed”)

**Important: If you do NOT have a partner or friend to help Spot you w/Barbells then please use a Smith Machine**

Day 1: Total Body

  • Barbell Bent Over Two Handed Rows (Over-Hand Grip)

  • Barbell Flat Chest Presses

  • Barbell Wide Sumo Squats

  • Barbell Biceps Curls

  • Barbell Standing Military Shoulder Presses

  • Barbell Shrugs

  • Barbell Wide Stiff Legged Deadlifts

  • Barbell Calf Raises feet straight, heels-in, heels-out

*Cardio - Low intensity walk for 60 minutes then stretch Total Body

Day 2: Off

Day 3: Total Body

  • Barbell Squats (feet shoulder width)

  • Barbell Incline Chest Presses

  • Barbell High Pulls (hands shoulder width)

  • Barbell Romanian Deadlifts (feet shoulder width)

  • Barbell Bent Over Rows (Under-hand grip / shoulder width apart)

  • Barbell Seated Military Shoulder Presses

  • Barbell Decline Chest Presses

  • Barbell Walking Lunges Forwards (use partner for spotter)

*Cardio - Low intensity walk for 60 minutes then Stretch Total Body

Day 4: Off

Day 5: Maintenance

  • Weighted Crunches

  • Skydivers

  • Weighted Pelvic Lifts

  • Hip Raises Toes-in with Rubber Bands

  • Internal/External Rotator Cuff Strengtheners with Rubber Bands

  • 2 Dumbbell Wrist Curls Over/Unders

  • Planks

*Cardio - Low intensity walk for 60 minutes then Stretch Core, Shoulders, & Forearms

Day 6: Total Body

  • Barbell Flat Chest Presses

  • Barbell Standard Deadlifts

  • Barbell Incline Chest Presses

  • Barbell Wide Sumo Deadlifts

  • Barbell Biceps Curls

  • Barbell Close Grip Chest Presses

  • Barbell Shrugs

  • Barbell Clean & Presses

  • One Arm Bent Over Barbell Rows (Hand near end of Barbell w/weights, no weights at other end) 

*Cardio - Take a 60 min Low Intensity Walk then stretch Total Body

Day 7: Rest & Recover Fully

Rest, Recover, & Eat Clean!



Week 1  |  Week 2  |  Week 3  |  Week 4  |  Week 5  |  Week 6  |  Week 7  |  Week 8  |  Week 9  |  Week 10  |  Week 11


dave gluhareff headshot border 01This is a guest post by Strength Runner and Trainer Dave Gluhareff. Contact him at www.TrainWithDave.com or on Facebook under TrainWithDave – www.facebook.com/trainwithdaveg.


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Topics: muscle building, team xtreme, workouts

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