Heavy Weight Mass & Horsepower!
Week 16 is going to be a Heavy Weights week designed to build mass, humongous strength, and explosive power! Your goal is 5 sets of 5-10 reps each exercise! You should be getting a tough burn at 5 reps and barely be able to make it to 10 reps. If 10 reps is easy then add heavier weights. If 5 reps are not at all possible then lighten the weights a bit. The goal is to build mass, increase strength, and maximize explosive power in Week 16!
Week 16 - (Warm-up before each workout w/10 min walk then stretch the muscles you plan to hit! First few exercises each workout are semi warm-up exercises.)
Each Workout – 5 Sets of Heavy Weights for 5-10 reps (rest up to 60-90 seconds in between Sets “if needed”)
Day 1: Chest
Rubber Band Internal/External Rotators
2 Dumbbell Flat Chest Presses
2 Dumbbell Incline Chest Presses
Barbell or Smith Machine Flat Chest Presses
Barbell or Smith Machine Incline Chest Presses
Barbell or Smith Machine Decline Chest Presses
Weighted Pushups (Have partner or spotter place weights on your back safely)
*Cardio - Medium intensity walk, elliptical, or bike for 45 minutes then Stretch Chest
Day 2: Back
2 Dumbbell Seated Wrist Curls Over/Under (Forearm Strength/Tendonitis Prevention)
Low Back Extension Machine or Hyper Extension Machine
1 Dumbbell Bent Over Low Rows
Barbell Bent Over Rows (over-hand/shoulder width grip)
Weighted Neutral Grip Pullups
1 Dumbbell Lying Pullovers
Weighted Wide/Front Grip Pullups
1 Dumbbell Bent Over High Rows
*Cardio - Medium intensity walk, elliptical, or bike for 45 minutes then Stretch Back
Day 3: Abs/Obliques
Weighted Crunches
1 Dumbbell Standing Side Bends
1 Kettlebell Halo’s
Weighted Side Crunches
Weighted Knee-ups on Vertical Hanging Leg/Knee Machine (Hold Dumbbell Between Feet)
Ab Machine Crunches (Front & Sides)
Day 4: Legs
Bodyweight Squats
2 Dumbbell Squats Feet Shoulder Width
Barbell Wide Sumo Squats in Power Rack or using Smith Machine
Barbell Wide Stiff Legged Deadlifts
Lying or Seated Leg Curl Machine
Barbell Romanian Deadlifts Feet Shoulder Width
Barbell Squats Feet Shoulder Width in Power Rack or using Smith Machine
Calf Raise Machine or Smith Machine Calf Raises (heels straight, heels in, heels out)
Hill Sprint (Sprint giving it all you’ve got until you begin to lose speed then walk back to start)
*Cardio - Medium intensity walk, elliptical, or bike for 45 minutes then Stretch Legs
Day 5: Shoulders
Standing Bent over Rear Lateral Raises
Standing 2 Dumbbell Arnold Presses
Standing 2 Dumbbell Alternating High Pulls (make sure one Dumbbell is resting on thigh while other in motion to give each shoulder/trap a relaxed pause)
Seated Barbell Military Presses in Rack or using Smith Machine
Standing 2 Dumbbell Shrugs (good posture, knees bent slightly, and butt back)
Standing Barbell Clean & Presses (PLEASE only do if you know CORRECT form and use Spotter)
*Cardio - Medium intensity walk, elliptical, or bike for 45 minutes then Stretch Shoulders
Day 6: Arms
2 Dumbbell Alternating Biceps Curls Standing
1 Dumbbell Triceps Kickback
2 Dumbbell Alternating Hammer Curls Standing
1 Dumbbell Two Hands Standing Over-Head Triceps Extensions
Barbell Biceps Curls
Weighted Dips
2 Dumbbell Standing Zottman Curls
*Cardio - Medium intensity walk, elliptical, or bike for 45 minutes then Stretch Arms
Day 7: Rest & Recover Fully except a Cardio
*Cardio - Take a 55 min Medium Intensity Walk, Elliptical, or Bike Ride
• Rest, Recover, & Eat a lot but Clean (NO JUNK) foods!
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10 | Week 11 | Week 12 | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15
This is a guest post by Strength Runner and Trainer Dave Gluhareff. Contact him at www.TrainWithDave.com or on Facebook under TrainWithDave – www.facebook.com/trainwithdaveg.