Health & Fitness has been described by different organizations and philosophies in a variety or terms. We’re going to examine some of these definitions so you can gain a better understanding of how to achieve your health and fitness goals.
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10 Workout Excuses – Shut Up & Do It!
Posted by Liza Muravyeva MS RD LD/N on Jun 18, 2012 7:02:00 AM
Scared of being on a diet, starting a new workout regimen or just to try something new? We all have fears - but what are you waiting for? It’s time to overcome your fears and stop making excuses! The only things keeping you from having what you’ve always wanted are the excuses you make. This is true for diets, working out and life in general! To get in better shape, have tighter abs, lose fat, or build muscle you just need to stop talking and do it!
Topics: health, health and fitness, fitness training, training tips, fitness tips
Everyone has “good” and “bad” days. It’s usually a lot easier to workout and eat clean when you are having a “good” day. This following scenario has probably happened to you before: You push yourself hard at the gym, and prepare your meals ahead of time to stay on schedule. Then ‘life happens’ - something goes wrong; a car breaks down or you’re put into a stressful situation. What do you do? Do you throw your fitness regimen aside? Do you, give up and start eating cheeseburgers and ice cream? You better not! Keeping your body AND mind active is more important than you might realize.
Topics: health, health and fitness, motivation
It’s time for lunch and instead of ordering a burger and fries, you made the wise choice to order a salad. You are proud of yourself for steering away from junk food - ordering something good for the body; but just how “healthy” is your salad?
You have heard about, and maybe even tried the Atkins or South Beach diet. Did you find yourself dropping weight during the first 2 weeks? Then as soon as you stop; you put it all back on? There have been plenty of diets on the market that have cut out carbohydrates completely. While people might find they could lose some weight that first week, the results wouldn’t stick once they incorporated carbs again. This is because most of that weight is water weight, not actual fat loss. No carb diets are a temporary fix! You need to properly cycle food to encourage fat loss within your
Topics: health, diet, health and fitness, nutrition
Ease Your Mind with Yoga in 5 Minutes
Posted by Liza Muravyeva MS RD LD/N on May 7, 2012 11:31:00 AM
Feeling stressed out lately? You probably already know that exercise is one of the best ways to reduce and get rid of stress; but what are some other ways you achieve mental stability? In today’s day and age, it’s pretty easy to get stressed out and overworked. Job stress, relationships, and kids are just some of the life’s everyday stressors. Throw in lack of sleep and junk food and you have a recipe for disaster. But before you spin out of control, why not take a deep breath?
Topics: health, health and fitness, fitness training, training tips, fitness tips, motivation
Coconuts have been around for hundreds of years, but now all the new hype is revolved around virgin coconut oil! In the past coconut oil has been regarded as being bad, due to the saturated fat content. However, virgin coconut oil is not the same type of oil as saturated hydrogenated oil that goes through processing and is added to foods for an extended shelf life. Coconuts have been used for the past 4000 years according to Sansrkit documentation in Ayuvedic medicine, to treat heart problems, hair loss and even burns. During World War II, it has been said the coconut water was used as an IV for wounded soldiers (1).
The Silent Killer – High Blood Pressure
Posted by Liza Muravyeva MS RD LD/N on Apr 23, 2012 10:35:00 AM
You may know someone who has high blood pressure - maybe an older aunt or uncle or even your grandma. But lately I have been hearing more and more cases of high blood pressure from people all round me! Even from people as young as 25 years old.
Topics: health, diet, health and fitness
Thyrovex™ is a standalone product designed as a powerful thyroid support supplement and the answer to a sluggish metabolism. Thyrovex™ boosts metabolism, increases energy expenditure and enhances thermogenesis.
Thyroid hormones have many important functions in the body. One of the most important properties of thyroid hormones is fat burning, which delivers a great deal of sustained natural energy without any stimulants. Environmental pollutants, aging, and exposure to fluoride in our drinking water and toothpaste all lower thyroid activity by different mechanisms. As a result you can have low thyroid hormone levels, less energy, and the inability to maintain a low body fat. To learn more about how the thyroid functions, read our last blog article “How your Thyroid helps you burn FAT”.
Topics: fat burning, health, diet
What exactly is it?
Your thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland that is located in the front of your neck, and is responsible for many different functions in the body such as producing key hormones, regulating your body’s temperature, weight and even your mood (1). Here is a little bit of the science, the two classic hormones the thyroid produces are called thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which are also known as T4 and T3. T4 is converted to T3 which is more biologically active than T4. Having the proper balance of these hormones is an important part of a healthy and active body.
Topics: fat burning, health, diet