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Want to Build Muscle? Go to Sleep!

Posted by VPX Sports on Jun 14, 2010 5:38:00 PM

SLEEP AND BUILD MUSCLE!In 20 years of training, the most consistently important factor towards my muscle growth (besides diet and exercise) is good old fashioned sleep. Proper sleep not only allows for a well-rested and refreshing new day, but provides a multitude of benefits for muscle growth.

Sleep is important to muscle growth because this is when Growth hormone is produced and protein synthesis occurs. Sleep also assists a lot of other very important functions, for example:

  • The replacement of ageing and dead cells, and the mending of muscle and other tissue
  • The lowering of energy consumption
  • The recharging of the brain

Rest is one of the most important principles of exercise and often the most overlooked. When you sleep, you body goes into a suspended state of animation, and your body does precisely what you've been beseeching it to do since you raised that first dumbbell; Build muscle!

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