Lindsay Lohan broke down in tears today after Judge Marsha Revel sentenced her to 90 days in jail followed by a 90-day rehab program for violating DUI probation. Because Lohan is a habitual probation violator dating back to 2007, the judge wasn’t persuaded by Lindsay’s apology and excuses. Ironically, the judge reprimanded actress Lohan telling her to “…lay off the Red Bull and vodkas.” However, the court is apparently unaware of the October 27, 2008 issue of In Touch Weekly Magazine cover feature titled, “LINDSAY” “THE DRINK THAT BRUNS FAT THROUGH ‘SHIVERING’” where Lohan’s fave energy drink appears to be Redline. Unlike RB, Redline is not carbonated and contains no sugar. Lindsay Lohan choosing a drink like Redline that contains no sugar and in non-carbonated may be indicative of the actress’ attempt to lead a healthier lifestyle. There is evidence that carbonated drinks leach calcium from the bones and contribute to osteoporosis and an even larger body of evidence that shows that sugary carbonated drinks cause metabolic disturbances, blood sugar and insulin disorders, and unwanted fat and weight gain. Unlike other carbonated sugary drinks, there is a university study that shows that the carbonation and sugar free Redline Princess beverage actually increases fat burning by 75% over a placebo. Further, another College of New Jersey study proves that Redline Xtreme increases reaction time, energy and mental focus.While the actress was spotted drinking Grape Redline by the paparazzi, the new Strawberry Lemonade and Watermelon Kiwi flavors and all past and future Redline Energy and Fat Burning Drinks now contain or will soon contain special amino acids called branched chain amino acids or BCAA’s and electrolytes all of which could be great for Lindsay Lohan who is trying to rehabilitate herself and regain her health.
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Actress, Lindsay Lohan Gets 90 Days in Jail - NO REDLINE O'H NO!
Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 7, 2010 11:02:00 PM
Hemopressin an appetite suppressant helps you say no to junk food!
Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 7, 2010 6:11:00 PM
What is it? This new chemical occurs naturally in the body of both mice and human beings and is called hemopressin. Hemopressin is a 9-residue alpha-hemoglobin-derived peptide and functions as a cannabinoid (CB) receptor antagonist. Hemopressin is shown to inhibit agonist-induced receptor internalization in a heterologous cell model. The CB receptor in the brain is responsible for the pleasure that humans receive after ingesting a meal. Hemopressin works by affecting the reward centers of the brain that are satisfied after indulging to a caloric meal when hunger is present.
Successful tests have been conducted on the effects of hemopressin to block these reward centers in the brain by working against the CB receptor and ultimately suppressing appetite. Dodd et al. states that hemopressin may act as an endogenous functional antagonist at CB receptors and modulate the activity of appetite pathways in the brain. This means that people who consume hemopressin supplementation would stop eating purely for pleasure instead of from hunger.
A similar substance was found 6 years ago called Rimonabant. This was an effective appetite suppressant, but it was later linked to adverse side effects and withdrawn from the market. Hemopressin has yet to be revealed to the market, but recent studies have shown similar effects to that of Rimonabant without the adverse side effects. Studies have been focused on mice and have yet to be conducted on humans. Hemopressin dose-dependently decreases night-time food intake in normal male rats and mice, as well as in obese male mice, when administered centrally or systemically, without causing any obvious adverse side effects. In essence, mice who were administered hemopressin ate a significantly less amount of food.
Dodd et al. stated after their findings that “this study is an indication of safety, but cannot be immediately extrapolated to humans. This discovery offers new insight into how the brain controls appetite and opens new avenues by which to manipulate this brain circuitry and aid the development of anti-obesity treatments.” This finding can lead the way to new drugs that can stimulate the brain to produce more hemopressin. Researchers at Manchester University have added that hemopressin may also have the ability to treat alcohol and drug abuse.
How low can you go? Well apparently pretty frickin’ low. A 2.72 gram dose of creatine for a 200 lb individual is enough to enhance fatigue resistance. That’s a mere 0.1 ounce my creatine-loving friends. In fact, one the few creatine-containing pre-workout anabolic formulas (NO-Shotgun) that has a real study to back it up is a great choice for anyone needed that extra boost in muscle mass, power, and performance.(1) Check out the study on NO-Shotgun published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. Got Anabolism? Try NO-Shotgun!
Drinking Cerveza After Exercise Is Bad For Muscle Recovery
Posted by VPX Sports on Jul 6, 2010 4:32:00 PM
After a workout, is it okay to have a beer, glass of wine, or perhaps a shot of Tequila? Well sorry to disappoint you, but having even a little bit to drink decreases the recovery time of skeletal muscle after strenuous exercise. So after a hard bout, it definitely isn’t Miller time. It’s Protein Rush time.
The Performance Ready Perfect 10 challenge before and after contest involves women from all walks of life such as students, professional women and MILFS (mothers in love with fitness). The goal of the Perfect 10 Challenge is to create the 'perfect' physique using the latest training techniques, the best diet strategies and the most cutting edge supplements known to man, VPX's Redline Black on Blue Series, Power Shock, and Protein Rush RT.
Posted by VPX Sports on Jun 25, 2010 11:00:00 PM
WESTON, FLORIDA JUNE 25, 2010: Dietary and nutritional supplement company Vital Pharmaceuticals, Inc., d/b/a VPX/Redline of Weston, Florida, announces today that it prevailed against Red Bull GmbH Societe De Droit, Austria ("Red Bull") in a French Trademark Opposition Proceedings for Redline Trademark. Red Bull brought the Opposition Proceedings in France against the VPX/Redline trademark application on or about March 15, 2010 in the European Union Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs ("OHIM") citing to dilution and likelihood of confusion.
Posted by VPX Sports on Jun 21, 2010 5:09:00 PM
On June2, 2010, and in the July issue of Consumer Reports magazine published a review of popular protein drinks, which included elemental analysis for heavy metals in each of these products. The report stated that traces of the metals arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury were found in most of the protein drinks which were tested.
Okay. I admit this study was done in rats. Like you give a rats a$$. But it does point out some interesting mechanistic issues vis a vis fish oil. That's just a fancy way of saying that figuring out WHY fish oil does what it does is as important as figuring out WHAT it does. In this case, it looks like consuming fish oil has an anti-catabolic effect on skeletal muscle via its effects on insulin sensitivity. Yessiree Bob. L-arginine (a conditionally essential amino acid) may actually reduce fat mass (in fat rats), stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis and increase gene expression of this that promote energy expenditure. As Colonel Klink on Hogan's Heroes might say "Velly Intelesting." Indeed.
Leucine and KIC promotes protein gain in little porkers
Posted by VPX Sports on Jun 14, 2010 5:40:00 PM
Leucine, one of the branched-chain amino acids, and alpha-ketoisocaproic acid (KIC) can stimulate muscle protein gain (but norleucine has no effect). Check out the data below. If you can figure out what half those acronyms mean than you should join Mensa. Leucine and KIC; good stuff.